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Connect Groups

Abundant Life Center Connect Group is a place where you can connect with others, grow to be more like Christ, and impact your community with the Gospel. A place of refreshing where we live in victory and favor. At The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Abundant Life Center, you are family, and as a member of the family of God, you are not just a statistic. You are among those who trust in God and are in turn favored by God to be able to do great exploits.

Connect Groups are small groups of believers and seekers who meet weekly for the purpose of discipleship, support and accountability. Bonds are formed and relationships are built. It is a place where together, like minded believers can celebrate life’ s successes, be supported in life’s challenges, and encouraged in God’s plan for your life.

Connect Groups meet in informal and friendly settings, such as the church, the home, the school, the office and the community. Typically, the groups are separated into men, women and youth to allow members to speak and share freely with one another. There are also Connect Groups for Young Adults and married couples as well. Whatever your background, there is a place for you at the Abundant Life Center. We live in God’s favor and win in Christ’s power.

Men of Valor

Men of Valor, a dynamic department within Abundant Life Center, is dedicated to fostering the growth and strength of men in the community. This specialized group provides a platform for men to come together, connect, and support each other in various aspects of life.

Key features of Men of Valor at Abundant Life Center include:

  1. Regular Meetings: The department organizes regular gatherings, creating a consistent space for men to meet, share experiences, and build camaraderie.

  2. Spiritual Development: Men of Valor emphasizes spiritual growth, offering opportunities for prayer, worship, and discussions on faith-related topics to support the spiritual journey of its members.

  3. Community and Brotherhood: The group fosters a sense of community and brotherhood, providing a supportive network for men to navigate the challenges of life together.

  4. Educational and Practical Sessions: Men of Valor may feature educational sessions that address practical aspects of men's lives, such as leadership, personal development, and family dynamics.

  5. Mentorship Opportunities: The department encourages mentorship, allowing more experienced men to guide and support those who may benefit from their wisdom and experiences.

  6. Celebration of Achievements: Men of Valor acknowledges and celebrates the achievements and milestones of its members, promoting a culture of recognition and encouragement.

  7. Service and Outreach: The group may engage in service and outreach activities, contributing to the broader mission of Abundant Life Center to make a positive impact in the community.

  8. Recreational and Social Events: In addition to the serious aspects of personal and spiritual development, Men of Valor recognizes the importance of building relationships through recreational and social events.

In summary, Men of Valor at Abundant Life Center serves as a dedicated department for men, providing a holistic approach to their growth and development. Through regular meetings, spiritual emphasis, community support, mentorship opportunities, and a mix of educational and social events, this department aims to strengthen the men within the Abundant Life community.

Women of Glory

Women of Glory at Abundant Life gather every third Friday of the month, creating a space for women to connect, grow, and inspire one another. This dedicated group within the Abundant Life community is designed to empower women spiritually, emotionally, and socially.

Key features of Women of Glory at Abundant Life include:

  1. Monthly Gatherings: The group meets regularly on the third Friday of each month, providing a consistent and anticipated opportunity for women to come together.

  2. Spiritual Empowerment: Women of Glory focuses on spiritual growth and empowerment. Meetings may include prayer, worship, and inspirational messages to nourish the spiritual journey of its members.

  3. Community Support: The gatherings foster a sense of community among women, providing a platform for shared experiences, encouragement, and support. This sense of sisterhood helps women navigate various aspects of life with the backing of a supportive network.

  4. Educational and Inspirational Sessions: The group may feature educational sessions and inspirational talks that address topics relevant to women's lives, offering insights and practical guidance.

  5. Networking Opportunities: Women of Glory creates opportunities for networking and building connections. Women can share their skills, experiences, and resources, fostering collaboration and mutual growth.

  6. Celebration of Achievements: The group celebrates the achievements and milestones of its members, recognizing and honoring the diverse talents and accomplishments within the community.

  7. Outreach and Service: Women of Glory may engage in outreach and service activities, contributing to the broader Abundant Life mission of making a positive impact in the community.

  8. Social Events: Alongside the spiritual and educational aspects, Women of Glory also values the importance of building relationships through social events. These occasions provide a relaxed setting for women to connect on a personal level.

In summary, Women of Glory at Abundant Life offers a consistent and empowering platform for women to come together every third Friday of the month. Through spiritual growth, community support, educational sessions, and social events, this group contributes to the holistic development of women within the Abundant Life community.

Children’s Church

The Children's Church at Abundant Life Center in Delaware is a vibrant and nurturing space designed specifically for the spiritual growth and development of young ones. This dedicated ministry within the Abundant Life Center is committed to creating an engaging and age-appropriate environment where children can learn about faith, values, and community in a fun and interactive way.

Key features of the Children's Church at Abundant Life Center, Delaware include:

  1. Age-Appropriate Teaching: The curriculum is tailored to the specific needs and understanding levels of children. Lessons are designed to be both educational and enjoyable, incorporating stories, games, and interactive activities to make learning about faith exciting for young minds.

  2. Safe and Welcoming Environment: Parents appreciate the commitment to providing a safe and welcoming space for their children. The Children's Church ensures a secure setting where children can freely express themselves, fostering a sense of trust and comfort among both parents and young attendees.

  3. Engaging Worship Services: Worship services are crafted to capture the attention of children, featuring age-appropriate music, stories, and interactive elements that make the experience enjoyable and memorable. This approach helps instill a sense of joy and reverence for spiritual practices.

  4. Creative Learning Approaches: The Children's Church at Abundant Life Center employs creative and innovative teaching methods to make biblical lessons relevant and relatable to children. This includes the use of multimedia, arts and crafts, and storytelling to enhance the learning experience.

  5. Community Building: The Children's Church actively promotes a sense of community among the young attendees. Through group activities, events, and collaborative projects, children learn the value of friendship, teamwork, and shared faith experiences.

  6. Parental Involvement: The church encourages parents to actively participate in their children's spiritual journey. Regular communication, parent-child activities, and family-oriented events strengthen the bond between parents and the Children's Church community.

  7. Values-Based Education: The Children's Church emphasizes core values such as kindness, compassion, and respect. These values are woven into the teachings to help children develop a strong moral foundation that aligns with the principles of the Abundant Life Center.

In summary, the Children's Church at Abundant Life Center in Delaware provides a nurturing and enriching environment where children can explore and deepen their faith. Parents find assurance in the age-appropriate teachings, engaging activities, and the commitment to creating a secure and welcoming space for their children's spiritual development.

Christ Link: Teenage Church

Christ Link, the teenage church associated with the Abundant Life ministry, offers a vibrant and relevant environment for young individuals to explore and strengthen their faith. Parents benefit from their teenagers' involvement in Christ Link through:

  1. Spiritual Growth: The church focuses on nurturing a personal relationship with God through age-appropriate teachings.

  2. Community and Support: Christ Link creates a supportive community for teenagers, fostering friendships and positive influences.

  3. Life Skills Development: Practical workshops and mentorship programs equip teenagers with essential life skills.

  4. Positive Role Models: The church leadership serves as positive role models, guiding teenagers with values like compassion and integrity.

  5. Safe and Inclusive Environment: Parents appreciate the safe and inclusive atmosphere where teenagers can express themselves without judgment.

  6. Engaging Worship Services: Christ Link offers dynamic worship experiences with contemporary elements to resonate with the younger generation.

  7. Community Service Opportunities: Teenagers engage in community service, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy.

In essence, Christ Link provides a holistic approach to the overall development of teenagers, offering a supportive community and relevant teachings that align with the challenges of adolescence.

Church Up

"Church Up," a dynamic department within Abundant Life Center in New Castle, Delaware, is specifically designed to provide a safe and welcoming space for youth and young adults. This unique department recognizes the importance of creating an environment where the younger generation can freely express themselves and explore their faith journey in a supportive community.

Key features of "Church Up" at Abundant Life Center include:

  1. Safe and Inclusive Space: "Church Up" is committed to offering a secure and inclusive space where youth and young adults can be themselves without fear of judgment. This fosters an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding.

  2. Youth-Centric Programming: The department tailors its programming to cater to the interests and needs of youth and young adults. This includes engaging discussions, contemporary worship experiences, and activities that resonate with the younger generation.

  3. Faith Exploration: "Church Up" encourages youth and young adults to explore and deepen their faith in a way that is relevant to their lives. Through dynamic teachings, discussions, and interactive sessions, the department aims to make spirituality relatable and meaningful.

  4. Community Building: Recognizing the importance of community, "Church Up" provides a platform for youth and young adults to build connections with like-minded peers. The sense of community fosters friendships and a support system during the crucial years of adolescence and young adulthood.

  5. Leadership Development: The department invests in the leadership development of youth and young adults, empowering them to take on active roles within the church and in their communities. This helps cultivate a sense of responsibility and purpose among the younger members.

  6. Cultural Relevance: Understanding the cultural dynamics that shape the lives of youth and young adults, "Church Up" incorporates relevant and relatable elements into its activities, creating an environment that resonates with the experiences of the younger generation.

  7. Social Impact Initiatives: "Church Up" actively engages in social impact initiatives, encouraging youth and young adults to participate in outreach and service projects that contribute positively to the community.

In summary, "Church Up" at Abundant Life Center is not just a department; it's a vibrant community where youth and young adults can find a safe space to be themselves, explore their faith, build lasting connections, and make a positive impact in the world around them.

Light Fellowship – Living In God, Holy & Tested

These are tomorrow’s leaders. Today, we build them up, help them to stand firm and be prepared for the journey ahead. Fellowship is provided in a warm and inspiring setting to motivate and empower them for their life’s purpose. Activities and events center around spiritual, financial, emotional and social development. The goal is to build young people who love the Lord passionately, have a balanced and healthy social life and are motivated to excel in their education, career paths and individual businesses. We believe strongly that we are raising the Presidents, Governors, CEOs, Christian leaders etc… of the future.

Live out your life.

Service Teams

Our service teams at Abundant Life Center are dedicated to providing a caring, comfortable, safe environment, and memorable worship experience to our members and visitors. The various departments and ministries provide great opportunities to serve the Lord. Join a department or ministry today and become a worker in His Vineyard.

Live out your life.

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